Sunday, March 4, 2007

What I have learned since becoming a loser.

I didn't want to be left out, so I am adding to the list of things learned.

1. Living with someone that has a metabolism that works faster than Ben Johnson on steroids...SUCKS!!!

2. Learning what is and isn't healthy ( for real ) and actually eating that way is alot harder than I thought.

3. Coffee that doesn't have 1/4 cup of french vanilla cream in it tastes awful. Probably why I only drink 2 cups a day now.

4. Drinking water is still gross.

5. Exercise at 6am with your daugher can be very entertaining.

6. Losing weight and feeling healthier is extremely gratifying.

7. The biggest thing that I have learned so far......

Drew knows everything about eating healthy and will tell you how at the drop of a dime!!! Looking at his temple of glory is testiment of this alone. I can't believe I didn't realize this the first time I met him!!!!

8. Last but not least... Scott and Krista have a great marraige. Their sense of humor makes me giggle everytime I log on.


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