Sunday, April 22, 2007

Don't Hate Me 'Cause I'm Beautiful....

It seems that the level of support and enthusiasm around here has diminished quite dramatically in comparison to the first few weeks. Words of encouragement, healthy recipes, sharing of hunger pains were common place..... Now it's become a place filled with sabotage cookie recipes, flaunting of bragging rights, and low blows to those of us who were FORCED to endure those Beers & Hot Dogs at the Canucks games...... (mind you, poking fun of Gary is still permitted under Rule #47-2 Subsection 17B......) I propose a newly refocused Certa-Blog era of love and support for all of us who are starving and just want gorge ourselves at Fatburger all weekend. With this in mind, I am challenging all of you to lose 4 or more pounds in the following week. The winner(s) will be awarded with a home cooked meal at my house............ (of course, I get to chose the menu, HAHAHAHA)

PS - Sometimes I ask myself that same question Cole......I really do! But thank you for your support nonetheless. Enjoy the cookies your sister made, and I'll see if I can get Krista to pass along some more yummy recipes for you to share with your Mom...... (that I won't be eating of course!!)


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